On Sunday I had a great find at H.E.B.: $9 a pound NY Strips. Normally they retail a lot higher, so I decided to grab a few for dinner. Dinner wasn't anything fancy, a couple of steaks and rice with mushrooms. We needed a big dark wine to go with the meal, so Pris pulled out a bottle of Luigi Bosca 2007 Cabernet Sauvignon, which is a fine Argentinean red from the Mendoza region. I can't remember for sure, but I want to say that this was a recommendation from our friend Trey Mendez, who really likes his bold Argentine reds. What's more, Trey has never steered us wrong on a wine.
The Argentine's love their bold red wines and their beef, so it was not a surprise that this was a great wine to have with steak. Most Cabs go well with steak, but this one really excelled. The smooth dark and dry wine complemented the bold flavors of the steak perfectly. It also paired nicely with the rich earthy flavors of the rice side dish.
We picked the Luigi Bosca up at Feldman's here in Brownsville and it runs about $21. If you want more information on Luigi Bosca's wine's you can visit their website: http://www.luigibosca.com.ar/2007/v8/en/index1.html
yes, i did recommend it to you guys. Im glad you liked it. It is one of my favorites for the price. I actually picked up the last one at feldman's yesterday.